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El Flamenco como Espacio de posibilidades

D"r Idit Suslik , The Contemporary Eye

"Renewal of tradition, and back. In the intermediate space created by Yermiyahu ... Flamenco is first and foremost a color palette of possibilities"

Flamenco as a Space of Possibilities

Dr. Idit Suslik , The Contemporary Eye

"Renewal of tradition, and back. In the intermediate space created by Yermiyahu ... Flamenco is first and foremost a color palette of possibilities"

Jorge Sanchez,

Adva Yermiyahu is a very talented choreographer ... she has a promising future"

Adva Yermiyahu estrena Espacio Potencial

Chiquita, Aurora

Jorge Sanchez,

"Adva Yermiyahu, coreógrafa de gran talento... tiene un futuro envidiable"

Adva Yermiyahu premieres Espacio Potencial

Chiquita, Aurora

Interview with Roni Neumark

Night News, Kan 11, from 19:23 to 25 min

Entrevista con Roni Neumark

Night News, Kan 11

A dream after death

Kan News, Kan 11


Un sueño después de la muerteKan News, Kan 11


It takes eight to flamenco

The Jerusalem Post, Ori J. Lenkinski

"In flamenco performance, there is a very clear hierarchy of who is on stage. There are the ensemble dancers, the musicians, the singers and the soloists."

Se necesitan ocho para el flamenco

The Jerusalem Post, Ori J. Lenkinski

Dana Herman, Channel One News

"Una bailaora que para la calle y crea un gran atasco porque no puedes apartar la vista de ella".


Street Theatre Festival

Dana Herman, Channel One News

"A flamenco dancer that stops the street and creates a huge traffic-jam because you just can't take your eyes off her."

Po-Sham, D"r Idit Suslik

"El trabajo de Adva Yermiyahu, "Camino" utiliza la calle para reexaminar la relación entre artistas y espectador"


Po-Sham, Dr. Idit Suslik

"Adva Yermiyahu's work, "Camino" (in Spanish: journey), utilizes the street to reexamine the relationship between artists and spectator in the history of flamenco… the repositioning of the three elements of flamenco - song, guitar and dance - from the stage to the street, creates an unmediated encounter with the movement and sound, and actually returns the spectators to their traditional role in flamenco: they are transformed form audience to an active community that surrounds the artists, while supporting the performance by clapping and cheering and engaging in it emotionally."

Gabi Eldor le encantó la colaboración entre las cuatro bailaoras

Gabi Eldor, Habama

Eight - teasing flamenco

Gabi Eldor, Habama

Gabi Eldor was thrilled by the collaboration between four dancers

“MA” Impresionante creación de Adva y Alicia

Chiquita, Aurora

“MA” Impressive creation of Adva and Alicia

Chiquita, Aurora

Entre mundos – Adva Yermiyahu

Merav Yudilovich, Habama

In between Mode – Adva Yermiyahu

Merav Yudilovich, Habama

The art of flamenco and the fiery Israeliness

Gil Naveh , Haaretz Gallery

El arte del flamenco y la israelidad ardiente

Gil Naveh , Haaretz Gallery

Dr. Idit Suslik , Achbar Ha'ir

The show A simple vista is a promising landmark for the beginning of a fascinating journey into the codes and images of flamenco... "

D"r Idit Suslik , Achbar Ha'ir

"El espectáculo A simple vista es el inicio de un viaje fascinante por los códigos e imágenes del flamenco"

Un discurso de poder, romance y pasión


A discourse of power, romance and passion


A través del flamenco

Daniel Lotan, Gal Geffen

Through flamenco

Daniel Lotan, Gal Geffen

© 2020 All Rights Reserved to Adva Yermiyahu
Branding+web design: webmeup
Home Photo: Dan Ben Ari

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